Flip flash cards

Verse Pack

Tool: #cognitive, #stabilizer

A simple tool to arm a person with the right verse for the right situation at the right time.

The Word of God is powerful, sharper than a two edged sword but it is useless if the person does not have access to it while they’re under spiritual attack between sessions with you as their intercessor. They might have the Bible on their smartphone, but that requires them to unlock it, open the Bible app, and then find the verse they are looking for. If they’re being overwhelmed, then that might be too complicated, or take too long to stabilize them with the Word before they harm themselves.

A solution is to prearm the person with a verse pack. Verse packs are a set of flip flash cards where the person writes their favorite Bible passages, one per card, including the reference location of where to find it in a Bible on the bottom left corner of the card. Choosing and writing the Bible passages is part of the discipleship and stabilization process for the person. They can use a preselected list like the one from the Navigators, or copy the passages from your verse pack as an example.

They should bring their verse pack with them every time they come for a session with you. When you answer one of their questions with a quotation from the Bible, have them write the reference location on the next blank card if it speaks to them, and then have them transcribe the whole passage after the session is over. In this way, verses that come up during your session form the biblical answers to the problems that they struggle with. Thus, each person’s verse pack is their lifeline of truth that counters the particular lies that destabilize them.

How to Use the Verse Pack in an Emergency

The person should carry the verse pack in their pocket at all times. Whenever they feel stressed, they should pull out the verse pack and start reading it out loud. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God” They hear the Word of God when they read it out loud, and that will automatically build faith and calm them down. They should not bother reading the verse locations while under attack because they are not inspired. Instead, they should read one card at a time until they hit a Bible passage that speaks to them in that time of crisis. Then they should read that passage out loud over and over again until they are stabilized. Most people stop reading when they are stabilized, or they reach the end of their verse pack. If necessary, the person could start from the beginning of the verse pack and read it all over again until they are stabilized enough to continue on with life or reach out for help.

Other Uses of a Verse Pack

If the person underwent an attack since the last time they had a session with you, have them describe the trigger for the attack and the verse that particularly spoke to them. If they forgot to use the verse pack, then quote a Bible verse that speaks against the trigger or the lie that animates that attack and have them add it to their verse pack if they do not already have it. In this way, pairing up the trigger with the Bible passage that counters that trigger is a discipleship method for desensitizing the person to that trigger.

Another use of a verse pack is for Scripture memorization. Since the verse pack should always be available in their pocket, have them pull it out during down times like waiting for the bus and then start memorizing it. If they can counter lies with memorized Scripture like Jesus did during His temptation in the desert then they’re well on their way to stability and taking back control of their lives.


The spoken Word of God neutralizes a spiritual attack

The verse pack works because it makes the Word of God accessible during the time of attack.

Verse packs are a memorization tool

Verse pack Bible passages are more likely to be memorized because they are always accessible, and they solve a felt need in the person.

Further Reading

Hurting Too Much to Hear God tells the story of how we invented our version of the verse pack. The verse pack is a stabilization tool, so it will not heal the person of their recurring spiritual attack. For that, you need a healing method. The role of stabilization tools in a larger healing method is detailed in the Healing Methods Overview, and the theology of how to overcome temptation and spiritual attacks is explained in How to Stop Sinning.