Seven year old girl

Full Healing in Seven Minutes Flat

Case study: #child, #consecration, #physical healing, #visual

The faith of a child is innocent, simple, and pure. They believe, experience and perform miracles like they’re supposed to be normal—which according to the Bible, they are.

Pastor Raymond’s friend invited him to pray for his sister-in-law, Geeta, who had to fly back home to Nepal that night. When he arrived at their home, the house was chaotic, and the mother was in a panic, because her daughter Chloe had an overnight fever of 103.6 degrees (39.9 degrees Celsius) that was not going down. Geeta had stayed up overnight to sponge Chloe’s forehead.

They allowed Pastor Raymond to pray for Chloe, so he sat by her bed and told her that all human problems, including her fever, were either directly or indirectly caused by sin, so get rid of the sin to get rid of the problem. Chloe readily agreed to the healing process, so they asked Jesus to show Himself to her and tell them what was causing her fever. She was never formally taught to do that before, but found it was the most natural thing in the world to see Jesus and talk to Him.

Since Chloe’s faith was so innocent, simple, and pure, Pastor Raymond tried an advanced healing method called the Whiteboard Method. He asked Jesus to put all of Chloe’s sins on a whiteboard and wash them clean with His blood. She saw Him do that and believed. They then asked Jesus if there were any more sins to deal with and He said there were no more sins to repent of—He forgave them all. In this way, Chloe didn’t have to list out all her sins; not that she had many of them, nor they were serious ones as she was only nine years old.

Then Chloe and Pastor Raymond asked Jesus whether Chloe’s fever was physical or spiritual in nature, and they both heard that her fever had just purely physical causes remaining as the family had already prayed and dealt with the spiritual causes overnight. They then asked whether the fever was caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Chloe did not know what that meant, so Raymond had to first explain to her what bacteria and viruses were, and then she was willing to ask. They both heard from the Lord that it was a bacterial infection and that He gave them enough faith to heal it. So Pastor Raymond prayed with all the faith and spiritual strength he had, and then they measured her temperature with a thermometer. It read 98 degrees—her fever had instantly left her.

They both got that Chloe still had to go to the doctor, so the mother fetched her other kids from school and planned to bring Chloe to the doctor after that. The whole process of consecration and healing for Chloe took seven minutes flat; Pastor Raymond just preached the whole Gospel to her, including the part about repentance and deliverance from all the effects of sin, including the fever, and she believed. However, when he got up from the bed, he felt dizzy and asked the mother for food. Being the hostess that she is, she cooked him eggs and toast, making her late, but it recharged him enough to pray for Geeta.

Healed to be a Healer

Chloe was feeling much better and decided to join Geeta at the kitchen table. Pastor Raymond asked Geeta if she could see Jesus at the throne of grace but she could not. But Chloe could, and he didn’t even tell her how to do it! So Pastor Raymond used this opportunity as spiritual training for Chloe—he taught Chloe how to bring Geeta to the throne of grace while he stayed in reserve watching for a demonic counter-attack. Chloe was able to see Raymond in the spirit surrounded by lots of angels in a castle—he looked like a shining knight to her!

Geeta though, had difficulty squaring her postgrad education with the possibility that her problem was demonic in nature rather than a physical cause. So under Pastor Raymond’s direction, Chloe read to Geeta, but had difficulty with the vocabulary so he switched to reading the passage instead. Through the reading of the Word of God out loud, and in experiencing healing and deliverance herself, Geeta received full healing that day, but that’s another story.

God healed Chloe so that she could heal her aunt Geeta, but then she lost interest when she finished her part and left Pastor Raymond to finish the ministry with Geeta. Young children may have great faith, but they usually lack the attention span and stamina for extended ministry.


Children naturally believe

So share the Gospel and teach them how to minister to others.

Faith is given, doubt is learned

So don’t replace the faith of a little one with doubt

Faith healing and modern medicine are not mutually exclusive

Thermometers are useful, and so are doctors, and so are prayers of faith. Don’t throw any of them away.

Faith healing can be learned, practiced, and perfected

Diagnose problems through prayer, and then treat them through prayer without doubting.

Further Reading

The Whiteboard Method shows how to diagnose, cleanse and verify that a person’s sins are wiped away without having to list them out one by one.