Man sitting in an empty church

How Do I Know I’m Hearing From God?

Theology: #senses, #truth

If God is spirit, how do you know you’re following the right spirit and not being deceived?

How Can I See God covers the case where you cannot spiritually hear or see at all, or have doubts that such efforts are biblically supported. If your spiritual sensory organs are damaged to the point where you cannot hear anything, then the question of verifying whether what you hear is from God is moot until you Unblock Your Spiritual Senses. But if you can hear or sense something, how do you know whether that thought came from God, or if it was just your own? It also could have been the Deceiver ; or your own flesh which opposes the Spirit This article outlines a biblical method of verifying that what you hear is from God and not an evil spirit.

Are You at Peace?

The first question to ask in verifying whether you are hearing from God is to ask, “Are you at peace?” Jesus grants you peace ; calls you to peace and guards your heart and mind with peace

Step 1: stabilize yourself
NoYesAre you atpeace?Use a stabilizer toolStartContinueseekingGod

If you are not at peace, then use a stabilizer tool to restore your peace in God so that you can hear from Him. This is why worship services almost invariably start with worship—to quiet the congregation down, center on God, and listen to Him in peace rather than in distraction.

It’s important to take the time to allow God to restore your peace, even if you are in a rush to get the answer. Waiting for God’s answer is always preferable to being deceived by another voice just because you were impatient. Part of the assurance of knowing that you got an answer from God is if you are at peace when you received it.

Is There Interference?

The next thing to check if you are uncertain whether you are hearing from God is to check for interference. Interference is the partial blockage of a spiritual sense. You are being interfered with if you can hear something and you are not certain that is from God, and you are blocked if you cannot hear anything.

Step 2: Clear spiritual attack
YesNoIs thereinterference?Use an unblocker tool and ask againStartContinueseekingGod

For spiritual hearing, interference manifests as confusing or conflicting answers, static, or an answer that is uncharacteristic of what we know of Jesus. For spiritual seeing, interference can manifest as a mist or a frozen or corrupted image. In either case, if you feel uneasy about the answer or if there is any doubt, then it’s best to assume that you are at least partially blocked.

If the interference is coming from outside of you, then you are by definition under some kind of spiritual attack, even if it is just a low-level one that is interfering with your spiritual communication with God. If the interference is coming from inside of you, then it might be due to an inward spiritual attack or injury. In either case, the next step is to use an unblocker tool to hear from God. If He tells you that you need to deal with a sin first, then use a healing method as per the Unblocking Your Spiritual Senses flowchart to restore your spiritual senses.

Does the Answer Contradict Scripture?

If you get to this step, then your problem is not with an obvious spiritual attack, but with the possibility that you could still be subtly attacked through deception.

Step 3: Compare with Scripture
Yes, or unsureNoAnswercontradictsScripture?Use an unblocker tool and ask againStartContinueseekingGod

The devil used that tactic against Eve with devastating effect but it did not work against Jesus because He knew the Scriptures Thus, you should test any answer against Scripture and the biblically-revealed character of Christ. For example, if the voice you hear tells you to have an affair and divorce your wife, you know that it is not from God and have to clear it with an unblocker tool.

If you are unsure that the answer contradicts Scripture, then try an unblocker tool anyway and see if the answer changes or is clarified. Sometimes God will bring new theological insights to you when you seek Him in prayer, as when Peter was praying on the roof

Does the Speaker Confess Jesus Came in the Flesh?

Another way to verify your answer is to test the speaker rather than the message itself using the test.

Step 4: Apply the 1 John 4:1-3 test
Use an unblocker tool and ask againStartContinueseekingGodJesus, isthat you whocame in theflesh?YesNo, or silence

By asking “Jesus, is that you who came in the flesh?”, you are asking the speaker whether a) he is Jesus (not all demons can tell this lie), and b) whether Jesus has come in the flesh (demons cannot confess that Jesus has come in the flesh).

If you get a “no”, or the speaker tries to avoid giving a yes/no answer, usually by changing the subject or remaining silent, then you are being interfered with by a demon and have to remove it with an unblocker tool before asking the question again. In this way, you are resisting demonic temptation in much the same way that Jesus did—by using Scripture

Does the Listening Community Agree with You?

One person may be deceived, but it is harder to deceive two or three witnesses of the voice of God, for “in an abundance of counselors, there is safety”

Step 5: Listening in community
NoYesDoes thecommunityagree withyou?Each person uses an unblocker toolon themself and asks again StartEnd

Not every decision warrants forming a listening community to jointly hear from God, but if it is a big decision, or you are part of a leadership team deciding whether to take disciplinary action on someone else, then the biblical standard for making a judgment is the unanimous testimony of two or three witnesses ; ;

The goal of a listening community is not to argue others to your position, but for the listening community to be unanimously convinced that what you heard as a group is from God. If you hear different things, then everyone should use an unblocker tool on themselves and ask God again until the answer changes and you all get unanimity.


Test yourself

The first set of tests are for yourself. Are you at peace? Is your hearing being interfered with?

Test the spirits

You should neither accept nor reject everything you hear, but rather “test the spirits”

Test the message and messenger

The gold standard of testing a message is Scripture; God will never contradict Himself and He will always confess that Jesus came in the flesh

Test in a listening community

For bigger decisions and for listening within a leadership team, complete unanimity among two or three witnesses is the biblical standard for making a judgment

Further Reading

If you cannot hear anything at all, follow the steps of Unblocking Your Spiritual Senses to restore your spiritual hearing before you test that what you hear is from God. If you do not know how to hear from God in the first place, then What Are the Spiritual Senses and How Can I See God will give you the foundational theology to understand what it means to hear and see God, a promise God gives to every Christian Even so, you might be Hurting Too Much to Hear God, and therefore need an intercessor’s help to get unblocked.