Woman smelling lilac

What Are the Spiritual Senses?

Theology: #senses, #terms

When God speaks, does He speak in an audible voice? When the prophets saw a vision, was it through their eyes or just in their imagination? A correct understanding of the spiritual senses will help you communicate with God and experience Him better.

When Jesus accuses the Pharisees of having “eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear” ; ; we can immediately infer that the spiritual senses do not come from physical senses or religious expertise. That means everything that relies on the physical senses, including the sciences, cannot be used to study the causes of spirituality, only their effects You cannot prove nor disprove spirituality through science. You need spiritual eyes to see spiritual things, and spiritual ears to hear spiritual things. A godly understanding of the spiritual senses then has to come through divine revelation rather than through physical observation, and for that, we go to the Bible.

Comparing Physical Senses with Spiritual Senses

The following simplified model of a person illustrates the difference between physical and spiritual senses.

Physical vs. spiritual senses
ConsciencePersonBodyPhysical SenseSeeingSensingHearingSpiritSpiritual SenseSeeingSensingHearing

God created humans with a body and a spirit Bodies have physical senses and spirits have spiritual senses. Just as there are more physical senses than just seeing and hearing, there are more spiritual senses than spiritual seeing and hearing. For example, your conscience is the intuitive knowledge of what is right and wrong a type of spiritual sense that is apart from spiritual seeing and hearing.

How the Senses are Processed

Once you receive input through one of your physical or spiritual senses, you have to recognize and distinguish what you are sensing. For example, when parents hear a loud, modulating sound in the middle of the night, they recognize it as their baby’s cry, and eventually learn to distinguish the types of cries to what the baby means.

The senses → decision pipeline
Physical SenseImaginationSpiritual SenseRecognizerWill

Those decoded, recognized messages are then combined and processed into a coherent story in a place called your imagination. You can also willingly project things onto your imagination without it coming through your senses. These imagined stories, regardless of whether they came through your senses or your will, are the processed inputs to your decision-making center, called the Will. To the Will, it does not matter whether the input came from your physical senses, spiritual senses or itself. This is why visionary leadership or the power of positive thinking is so powerful—your imagination defines your hope, which defines your reality.

The Effect of Sin on the Senses

The Will decides which stories in your imagination to follow, and which ones to discard. Sinful decisions lead to death For example, if you willingly violate your conscience over and over again, then God will grant your death wish to your conscience and it will no longer prick you ; Similarly, rationalizing your spiritual senses away will dull them so that you cannot use them, even if you wanted to

Even if you could sense spiritual things, sin and lack of practice may harm your ability to distinguish between the voice of your flesh the Holy Spirit or a demon ; You could also fill your imagination with evil things to tempt your will towards sin rather than godliness. Sin corrupts and eventually kills your ability to spiritually sense, recognize, imagine, and even will to do what is right. That is why you cannot study, work, or perform any religious activity to see God; you are spiritually dead Instead, God has to remove your sins to restore the eyes of your heart ; and resurrect you just as He resurrected His Son


Spiritual senses are a gift from God

Being able to hear, see and sense God is a gift from God to all humanity, part of being made in His image

Spiritual things cannot be discerned through the physical senses

You cannot see God through any discipline that depends on the physical senses, including science.

Sin stops you from seeing God

Sin corrupts, deadens, and kills your ability to spiritually sense, discern, and interpret spiritual things.

More study is not the answer

Scientific study and Bible study do not remove sin, so they cannot restore your spiritual senses—only God can.

Further Reading

How Can I See God explains the theology of restoring your spiritual senses, and Unblocking Your Spiritual Senses gives you the practical steps of how to do so. How Do I Know I’m Hearing from God gives the biblical principles to “test the spirits” and therefore be assured that what you spiritually sense is from God, and not the enemy.