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How Can I See God?

Theology: #senses, #truth

A Christian is a follower of Christ. If you can’t see Him, how do you follow Him?

You cannot follow whom you cannot see, so not being able to see or hear God has a severe impact on your faith. Many have tried to see God, waited helplessly, and then given up. Others have gone further and say that God only reveals Himself through the Bible, and therefore any vision or prophecy is not from God as that would be adding to the Bible.

Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God Alternatively, He rebukes Israel’s religious leaders for having “eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear” ; ; Jesus is quoting which in itself is a quotation of both of which are rebukes of Israel’s leaders for their sin. Spiritual blindness and deafness are not new problems, and neither is the solution. You cannot see God because of sin. Purify your heart and you will see God.

How Do I Purify My Heart to See God?

The Mosaic covenant encapsulates the most common answer: obey the law which is usually framed in today’s churches as “read the Bible more, pray more, join a small group”, or perform other good works. Obeying these laws do not work, “for what the law could not do in that it was weak in the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh” Self-efforts to purify hearts have never worked (that’s called religion). Instead, if you release the sins that you commit to God (i.e. repentance), and release the sins that others commit against you (i.e. forgiveness), then Jesus will take those sins and replace them with His righteousness without you having to earn it (i.e. the gospel). Repentance and forgiveness are necessary because God does not force you against His will (i.e. abuse), but instead convinces you to confess your sins though His Spirit (i.e. conviction) so that He can set you free (i.e. deliverance).

So How Do I Get Rid of My Sins?

To open a clear channel to see and hear God, you must find the sins that separate you from God repent of them, and then ask God to remove them from you.

Sins separates you from God
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Some sins are known to you, and others are unknown. Some are so core to your identity that they have become strongholds which need third-party intercession to tear down A lifetime of sins will separate you from God to the point where you think it is normal to not be able to hear from Him at all. Get serious about systematically and completely removing them (i.e. consecration), and then you will be able to see and hear God.

One approach to doing that is to fill out a form of all the possible types of sins in your life and then repent of them.

Repenting of a list of known sins
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This is common among cognitive approaches which rely on professional or self-evaluation services to diagnose your problem. You will miss the sins that are either unknown, not on the list, or you have trouble recalling. For highly blocked people, that’s most of them. Furthermore, a fixed list of sins has the simultaneous problems of being too broad to focus on your core issues, and too narrow to the author’s culturally-specific list which may not apply to you. What is more important is finding your core issues, which will be different than anybody else’s.

The alternative is to take a Spirit-led approach that asks God to reveal your sin, whether known or unknown.

Following the Spirit in conviction
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The Bible calls this conviction A comprehensive understanding of salvation by grace says you cannot do any part of the sin-removal process without God, and that includes knowing all the sins committed by you and against you. When you follow God in repenting of known and unknown sins, He will eventually lead you to a stronghold. Strongholds are reinforced areas of sin that you need third-party intercession to be freed from, like childhood traumas. They are often the root cause of an addiction, chronic illness, or recurring spiritual attack

Clearing a stronghold
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Strongholds in Scripture are consistently associated with warfare, so an intercessor needs to engage in spiritual warfare to tear them down in you When you are cleared of a stronghold, you will feel a lot better and your spiritual hearing and seeing will noticeably improve; however, you may have multiple strongholds in your life, as well as layer upon layer of sins still to remove. The result is that your spiritual seeing may still be like looking through a straw.

However, you can repeat the process of following Him to identify sins and get rid of them, only this time it will be faster as your spiritual hearing and seeing will be better.

Continuing with consecration
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Nevertheless, it can take weeks, months, and even years to get completely free depending on how many sins you have committed, how many strongholds were built up in your life, and how many hours per week you devote to consecration. Generally, the older you are, the longer it will take to reach full consecration because you have a longer lifetime of sins to get through. Children naturally believe in God and hear Him well, but life events cause them to stumble and they lose their ability to hear and see God well The fastest consecration we have witnessed was Full Healing in Seven Minutes Flat, completed for a nine-year old who just simply believed in miracles and thus received one, and then performed one for her aunt. Adults, particularly traumatized ones, or those who have been taught that it is not possible to hear or see God, are not able to believe until God deals with the strongholds in their life.

When God has revealed and removed every foundational stronghold in your life, the remaining sin systems tend to collapse and you move into the mop up phase. You may not find every last sin, but you will no longer have a problem hearing and seeing God.

Mopping up the final sins
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However, this does not mean that you stop sinning, or that your future sins can block you from experiencing God and distancing yourself from Him ; Many people do not complete the consecration process because that was never their goal. When God healed their presenting physical issue, they return to their normal life because their symptom was healed, but not their root problem Others lose interest because life gets busy and they feel that they are healed enough anyway until the next crisis hits ; Still others have their healing stolen by Satan ; Those however who produce lasting fruit are the ones who hear and understand the Word of God accept it and then most importantly, does it “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”


Purify your heart to see God

The key to hearing and seeing God is to find and remove every sin that separates you from God (i.e. consecration).

Consecration through self-effort does not work

You cannot even know which sins to repent of unless God reveals them to you.

The ability to confess is by grace

Rather than try to recall all your sins by yourself, ask God to bring them to mind (i.e. conviction), and then repent of them.

Be transformed from glory to glory

The more you consecrate, the easier it will be to hear God to find the next sin and complete the cleansing process, but don’t stop until you are completely done!

Further Reading

If you cannot hear God to even start the consecration process, follow the Story Method to unblock your hearing before you work on your spiritual sight. Unblocking Your Spiritual Senses gives a step-by-step flowchart of how you can choose the best strategy to heal your spiritual sight, as each person’s circumstance is unique. Note however, spiritual hearing and seeing can and will be faked by the enemy “deceiving if possible, even the elect” How Do I Know I’m Hearing from God equips you with the biblical principles to “test the spirits” and thus be assured that what you hear and see is from God and not the enemy.